Entrepreneurs tend to struggle chasing after success, thinking it is the only way to achieve it. John Lee Dumas is all too familiar with this, but not until a quote from Albert Einstein shifted his perspective and consequently his whole life: “Try not to become a person of success, but rather a person of value.” Find out the transformation that led John to become the founder and host of the award-winning podcast, Entrepreneurs on Fire, and author of the bestselling book, The Common Path to Uncommon Success. He also shares some of the lessons he has discovered from interviewing over three thousand of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs. So tune in!
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Uncommon Success: Become A Person Of Value With John Lee Dumas
This is such a blessing to be here with all of you because, in this episode, we bring forth the keys to success, but we take it to a different level of consciousness. We have guests showing up in their true divine potential to share their wisdom and big ideas with us. In this episode, we have none other than the man on fire himself who is going to share his big idea, the guru of podcasting, John Lee Dumas, known as JLD.
He is the Founder and Host of the award-winning podcast Entrepreneurs on Fire, with over 100 million listens of his 3,000-plus episodes. JLD has turned Entrepreneurs on Fire into a media empire that generates over 1 million listens every month and seven figures of net annual revenue many years in a row. His first traditionally published book, The Common Path to Uncommon Success, is the modern-day version of Think and Grow Rich with a revolutionary seventeen-step roadmap to financial freedom and fulfillment. Learn more at UncommonSuccessBook.com. Let’s welcome JLD.
Here we are with the man on fire himself on the show, JLD. Let’s jump into quantum, into the reality that you created out of a big idea. How amazing is that? You are such a powerful light being and it’s just the start for you. I was thinking about something that bothered me a little bit as an entrepreneur. It’s about this. There’s a lot of mindset and chit-chat in teachings around becoming a person of influence.
In your new book that I love and adore, The Common Path to Uncommon Success, you speak about becoming a person of value instead of a person of influence. You hear a lot about the teachings, “I’m an influencer,” but you came around and went, “You got to be a person of value.” That went into my soul. How did you come to that realization?
People deserve information. Share on XI came to that realization through many years of struggle. I was struggling chasing success. I thought that I should become a lawyer because that would give me fame and fortune. I went to law school and that was a big mistake. I thought corporate finance would bring me a lot of money, so I went that route. That was a big mistake. I kept chasing success. There was one quote that changed everything for me from Albert Einstein, “Try not to become a person of success but rather a person of value.”
It was like a light bulb went off in my head. I was like, “I thought the whole point of life was to become successful and chase success.” I was wrong because Albert Einstein was telling me, “Become a person of value.” I had to be honest with myself. I wasn’t doing anything of value in this world and being a person of value. At that moment, a seed was planted that whatever it is that I do next in this world, it would be becoming a person of value. I didn’t know what that was going to be at the time, but I knew it was going to be becoming a person of value.

That planted the seed that a few months later did bloom into launching the first daily podcast interviewing the world’s most successful entrepreneurs. As you and I are talking, I have interviewed over three thousand of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs on Fire has over 100 million listens to date and over 1 million listens every single month. It has been a journey of continuing to focus on that one thing, being a person of value.
Become a person of value. What a wisdom and direct knowledge out of your own experience, which is tremendous value itself. You have demonstrated that it is possible to manifest your dream when we go within to win. You created a reality of fulfillment and freedom out of one big idea and now you are living heaven on Earth. What is the one big belief that ignited your fire?
The big belief was this. People deserve information. Back in 2012, before I had the idea, I knew that people were having a hard time getting the right information. The right information is knowledge, experience and value from other successful entrepreneurs. I wanted to create a platform, stage or medium that was going to allow these amazing minds and successful entrepreneurs to come on use my platform and podcast to share their knowledge, genius and success with the world. People were lacking information. I wanted to give them the right information from the right people. I was so inspired by these successful entrepreneurs. I knew that their genius had to be given a bigger stage and I wanted to provide that stage.
Thank you for serving us truly. Look at what you created for all entrepreneurs all over the world that needed to be seen. In your book, you shared that you were searching for an Eat Pray Love moment at one point in your journey. You even traveled to India. What’s your most mystical experience? How did it impact your life and business?
India was a mystical experience. It truly was. I landed in New Delhi and I spent four months traveling the entire country. I went to Chennai, Madurai, down to the South in Kerala, up the coast to Goa, Hampi, Varanasi, and over to Mumbai. To get to the most mystical part of the journey, it was up by the Pakistani border. It was a town called Amritsar and Amritsar has the Golden Temple. It is a beautiful building. You go inside and you get to walk around the outside perimeter of this building. Right in the middle of this man-made lake is this gorgeous Golden Temple that you can once a day walk inside. It was such a magical moment walking into that Golden Temple. I’ll never forget it.
How did it impact your business?
The right information is knowledge, experience, and value from other successful entrepreneurs. Share on XIt made me realize that life is so magical and it gave me the freedom to create magic in my own life. I’m like, “Here’s magic right here. Why don’t I create magic in my life and business?” It gave me the freedom to create and inject magic into my business.
What’s next in JLD’s universe?
I spent 480 hours writing this book. I poured my heart and soul into these pages. I had to interview over 3,000 of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs to get the knowledge to put into this book, which I turned into a seventeen-step roadmap to financial freedom and fulfillment. When you say, “What’s next?” What’s next is getting this book into the hands of as many people as possible. This is my life’s work. This is my best work ever. I’m committed for the foreseeable future to do everything I can to get as many people as possible to read this book.
I am committed on my side to getting it done on your path as well. I am going to make it happen as well on my little show and crush it. This is so well done. I don’t even have a word for it because my first book in English was Think and Grow Rich. That was the very first book that I read in English because I didn’t speak any English when I came to this country. When I read this book, I was like, “There’s the next level.”
This speaks to the soul. This is the level of the soul, not just the linear thinking anymore. You’re tapping into the mind, spirit, physical and soul. Thank you so much. You are such a beautiful soul. I know we’ve got to go. However, this is a journey and we will meet again. There’s so much love and light. I’m grateful to you.
Thank you so much. Adios.
For this episode, the lesson and wisdom that JLD shared are quite simple but very powerful. If you paid attention to his words in the episode, he shared the moment that he went to India and had this mystical experience that he brought back with him. He said it never left him. It ignited him. He found out a key to success by going within to win. When he was in India and traveled, he discovered a way that was transformational. One of the lessons is to go within to win and find places where you can grow.

The lesson and wisdom from this episode with JLD are quite simple but very powerful. If you listen to his words and wisdom, he shared his travel to India. He had this mystical experience when he went to this Golden Temple that you could only visit once a day. Something transformed within himself. He went within to win and brought back with him the key to success by finding that place within.
I suggest that it’s for all of us to do this inner work and find a time in our life no matter how busy you are. We are busy but take the excuses away because there is a place within each one of us that is ready to ignite, blossom and give you this pure essence and place. You can return at any time at all, especially if you’re an entrepreneur and the creator of your big ideas, just like JLD has proven to be. He also shared that he struggled for six long years, but through the struggles, he discovered who he was and planted that seed to success.
He talked about focus that led him to the big idea. He also shared something so simple but very clear. He said, “People deserve in formation.” What a beautiful thought and seed to spread. We deserve in formation. I truly believe that this is the time for that information to be transmitted and ejected into your field of consciousness, not just for the brain. You’re listening with your heart and at a soul level, not just from your ear. When you listen to the successful light being, something shifts within you.
This is what I want you to take from this show. I want you to connect with your heart and notice the transmission, all the brilliance and direct knowledge that you can also take on. Embed it in your life, journey, business, higher path, or whatever is for you to ignite the divine being you already are. This is who you are prior to being here. You are that which can’t be defined and seen. It is who you are, this light, essence and pure bliss.
With that, we will return shortly and soon on the higher path with all of us so we can go within to win. Don’t forget that we do have this very powerful and mystical group, Mystical Mavericks, on Facebook that you can join. You are invited. I love you. Thank you so much for reading, for being here and for being you. Lots of divine love and light. A bientot.
Important Links
- Entrepreneurs on Fire
- Think and Grow Rich
- UncommonSuccessBook.com
- JLD – John Lee Dumas
- Mystical Mavericks – Facebook group
About John Lee Dumas
John Lee Dumas is the host of Entrepreneurs on Fire, an award winning podcast where he interviews inspiring Entrepreneurs who are truly ON FIRE.
With over 2000 episodes, 1 million + listens a month, and seven-figures of annual revenue, JLD is just getting started.
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