A leader with the hero factor is someone that people can easily recognize but not often seen. Today’s guest is Jeffrey Hayzlett, the Chairman of C-Suite Network, home of the world’s most trusted network of C-Suite leaders. He is also the author of The Hero Factor: How Great Leaders Transform Organizations. In this episode, Jeffrey joins Oma to discuss what makes a hero leader. What does it really mean to put people over profit but still have a successful business? Or is focusing on people the key to a successful business? Find out more and learn how to network and create a culture for your business with a hero factor by tuning in.
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The Hero Factor: How Great Leaders Transform Organizations With Jeffrey Hayzlett
We have an incredible episode. Our celebrity guest here with us is none other than Jeffrey Hayzlett, the Chairman of the C-Suite Network. He is a global business celebrity, speaker, best-selling author. One of his latest books, The Hero Factor: How Great Leaders Transform Organizations and Create Winning Culture. He is one of the most compelling figures in business now. Hall of Fame Keynote speaker has appeared on a guest celebrity judge, NBC Celebrity Apprentice with Donald Trump for three seasons. He is a turnaround architect of the highest order, a maverick marketer and a C-suite executive. He possesses a remarkable cachet of mentorship, corporate governance and brand building. We are so excited to welcome Jeffrey Hayzlett to the show.
Bonjour, Jeffrey Hayzlett, welcome to the show. How are you?
I am wonderful and thank you for speaking a little bit of French to me. I always like it when women or men speak French. My Aunt was from France and she has always spoken in French to us when we were children so it’s always like that.
Women speaking French is better.
I’m trying to be politically correct wherever possible.
We have room to play. I am excited that you are here. I’m going to share something I don’t think I ever shared with you is when I first met you. In fact, you were in that room that you’re in. I remember meeting you on Zoom and this is the thing, you don’t know this. However, forgive me. I didn’t know who you were. Who was Jeffrey Hayzlett because I’m not from here? I’m like a gypsy. I don’t know who’s Jeffrey Hayzlett but my intuition, as soon as you popped into the screen, I didn’t know the C-Suite. This is what I saw. I saw you. You are so magnetic. This is why I took the leap of faith to go to New York and meet you in person and anchor into the mastery of the C-Suite, which we’re going to look back into that. You are such a humble phenomenon.
This is a defining moment for all entrepreneurs because you are this line in the sand living above the line. It’s like this defining moment when I met you and I’m thinking, “We are no longer a linear mindset stuck in our own way headspace and you’d approve that a person in business a new started can go from the headspace to their heart space.” How do you feel about that?
I don’t know how people could separate the difference between the two. To me, like I tell thought leaders, “You have to protect what’s up here and also what’s here because that’s the essence of who you are.” I think for entrepreneurs, it is a defining moment for almost everybody, especially as you move our businesses more to digital is to be comfortable in your own shoes or your boots but nonetheless, be comfortable in that. A lot of people try to be something else rather than be themselves. I’m so much myself that sometimes I even come off a little gruff or a little hard-ass sometimes because I’m so sure about what I want, where I’m at or what I’m doing. It could be the simplest things. When someone says something, I go, “No, that’s not.”
It’s not that I’m saying no, I’m poo-pooing it or whatever. It’s no, I know that this is the way it works. This is the way it should be and that’s it. I’m comfortable with that. I think more people need to do that but you do need to connect the mind to the heart and the heart to the mind because aren’t they already? That’s the way I look at it. To me, that’s the way it should be. I had a company call me to want some help because they had somebody who was bribing public officials in their company and they don’t want to be associated with that. I said, “You’re going to have to show that you’re not associated with that. You can’t pay lip service to it. You’re going to have to go after these people. You’re going to have to do certain things in order to live those values.” It’s important for you to be who you are.
It is a defining moment for almost everybody to be comfortable in their own shoes or boots. Share on XTo leave those values. You speak the Hero Factor. This is the whole magnetism about you that you show up and you don’t even have to do or say anything. We already feel those core values coming out of you like you are intense.
People have their energy Oma. They have that. You know that. You can walk into a room and there are certain people who give it off and you can tell they have something. I’m not saying that I’m the person but I understand that I get it. There are certain people that you could stand up next to and they never give off that vibe, that energy that’s there and there’s something to that. You got to have to understand that there are certain leaders, I think, in business, in politics, movie stars or singers, all people. You could be a janitor and have that. We’ve seen that. I was watching American Idol and they had a guy who was a garbage man and he had that aura around him. He didn’t know he had it, didn’t know he could use it. Those people who come to understand it and use it, channel it. That’s much better.
Isn’t it what your tribe, your forest is all about, where, “I’ll be back to that.” You have been described as a maverick, a visionaire, a hero mastermind. Now a mystical mavericks that has mastered the art of leadership and also the art of living, it’s such a gift. Mahatma Gandhi stated, “First, they ignore you then they laugh at you then they fight you then you win.” Is that something in this quote that speaks to you?
I’m always going to win. I don’t care. If it’s not worth fighting for, what’s the use of doing it? It’s okay. I’m all right with that. By the way, they can laugh at me. They can make fun of me. They can do any of that stuff. I don’t care because I know what I want to do. Whether or not, it’s always the right thing, at least. In the end, that’s what I want to do and the way I want to do it. Could there be better ways of doing it? Sometimes but that wouldn’t be my way.
I think that’s what’s cool for most entrepreneurs is doing it your way but inside of doing it your way, you can’t ignore some basic principles of business. You can’t ignore it. You can’t build it and hope they come. All you’ll be as a baseball field in the middle of Iowa, no one shows up for. If you build something that does solve problems, fix things for people, captures behavior. The dog eating, the dog so to speak then you can be successful but doing it on your terms, that’s Nirvana. That’s the best doing it on your part.
Beautiful words of wisdom. In your incredible book, The Hero Factor. You speak about the philosophy of going within to win. For instance, you say that you’ve got to look inside yourself and ask tough questions. Can you give us some examples of that? The question you asked, perhaps yourself in along the way.
One of those questions for entrepreneurs is, are you willing to go without money for a long period of time? Are you willing to risk everything you have to be able to do it? You’re going to have nights where you’re going to lay in bed at night wondering whether you’re going to make payroll the next day. If you don’t think that’s the case and you haven’t lived as an entrepreneur because that’s indeed sometimes the cage for it. Now, I hope that most businesses can capitalize to do that but then they might be thrown for a loop like with COVID, where days became weeks, weeks became months, months became years. Nobody wanted to face what we faced that we’ve been through this issue and that threw a lot of businesses into massive pivots quickly.
Luckily, the pivot for us at the C-Suite Network turned out to be better because of the way in which we did it. Doing events in-person versus online and now going back to some in-person events to be able to maximize that networking factor that we have. The tough questions are to ask yourself about your personal conditions of satisfaction. What are those? What are you willing to meet? For me, it’s about building wealth. It’s about learning new things. Things that are interesting and third, having fun. Those are my three key factors. If I can’t have those things, I go like, “Not interested. I don’t want to do it. It’s not for me.”
I have bestselling books, TV shows and a podcast. I have all those great things and people come to me and suggest, “Jeff, you got to do a course with all your content.” No, I don’t have to. No, I don’t want to because I don’t want to. You can do it any way you want or, “Jeff, you need to go do it this way.” No, I don’t have to, don’t want to, not going to do it. It’s about getting really clear. You need to look in the mirror and be able to ask those kinds of cautions because one of the other things being an entrepreneur, you’re going to have lots of squirrel moments where you’re going to lose focus.

You’re going to squirrel and get distracted over here. You’ll see Oma’s doing it this way. I need to copy what she’s doing. No, you should observe what she’s doing, understand what she’s doing. What are some best practices you might want to take from that? You don’t have to do exactly what Julie does in order to be effective in business. You can but does it fit you? Is it something you want to mirror in terms of your own business?
You raise the good part of pivoting because I am blessed, truly honored and it’s a privilege to be in your family of the C-Suite. It’s been amazing to see the leaders that you are attracting because you you’re this force. You have this magnetism that you attract.
At the same time, when I’m attracting other people and they attract people and then together we raise. You find a good core group of continual people. It’s not about me. It’s about this giant Sequoia tree and we all sit underneath this big tree. That’s what the C-Suite Network is. If you’ve ever been into a Sequoia forest or a Redwood forest. It’s a mystical place as you well know but when you get on underneath those trees, you see this giant canopy. Under this giant canopy is this lush ecosystem.
That’s all we’re trying to do, create this ecosystem of platform for people to be able to be trusted executives who’ve come together using their content or products or services to grow their business, to grow their knowledge, to grow their influence, grow their reach. Certainly, their monetization and that’s truly what we try to do. It can’t be one person. It has to be a spark and then from that spark. It becomes a huge wildfire. Wildfires don’t go everywhere. They go up this way, go this way and they go that way. That’s the essence of a network and that’s what makes it so effective.
Would you say that one of the core gateways is if you will have this massive network family? It’s a family that you’re building globally. It’s a forest. One of the keys could be emotional intelligence. It could be, “We’re going to be more human, even though we’re here to make money.” I’m sick of it. Like I hear a lot about spirituality. You hear a lot, “We don’t need money to be happy.” All this BS that has been said. All this mumbo jumbo and the programs that were been programmed. Now it’s like, “You can’t be spiritual if you have money.” What do you say to those people?
That’s BS. I love a very spiritual person. I don’t have it here. I was on my property and I was driving around. I stopped because something told me to stop. I looked down in the grass and there was this golden Eagle feather. That’s a very spiritual thing where I come from in the Midwest and the Upper Great Plains. That’s a very spiritual thing to be able to find an Eagle feather that’s shed. You don’t see things like that, maybe once in your lifetime. I’m lucky to have had more than once but where you find these things, you can be spiritual and say, “You don’t need to have money. You’ll be spiritual and poor,” or you can be spiritual, still make money and still do great things.
If you want to do great things, money helps you do those great things without question then you can go not just be generous but go in and fight injustice. To me, that is a bigger purpose. Truly, it’s about having great values that say as a network and certainly as an individual where you put people above profits and that’s the core DNA of all we do at the C-Suite Network. We’re all for-profits but we’re always going to put the people first. Inside of that, we’re always looking at what can I give you? How can I help you? If we all come with that servant mentality then we can also do great things because I’m serving others. By serving others, I’m doing a lot more.
You got back and said, “It’s you.” Even with the giant Sequoia tree, it takes a seed and that one seed then needs to be watered and fertilized. It has to have the right soil. It has to have people who don’t chop it down and people who protect it so that over hundreds of years, it grows to this enormous, powerful being. That’s what’s important.
The same thing holds with a C-Suite Network. You start with a person then you add another person and pretty soon, you’ve got a big forest of all these people who are doing these great things together. That’s truly what we’re doing in the C-Suite Network. We’re doing that with TV, podcasts, articles, our meetings, with services and certainly in our councils, our peer councils and all the things that we do.
The tough questions are really to ask yourself about your personal conditions of satisfaction. Share on XI’ve been around the world and I’ve visited many networking things and you name it but I’ve never seen this quality that it’s constant. There is a constant, I would say the word vibration about what you do, the people you associate yourself with. There is no breakage. I know that somehow you have to vet this dynamic to keep it at that level of consciousness. I think to be quite honest, that’s what attracted me because I felt that frequency, that level that is raising consciousness in the world, physically in the business but as well in mind. That is such a beautiful concept and I don’t know anyone who does it better than you.
We’ve got a good team and getting back to the values of what you set and the expectations. Right from the beginning, when you become involved in the C-Suite Network because folks, you know you can make a good website and look like a $1 billion company but it doesn’t make you a $1 billion company. You can make a great website and look like a thought leader but it doesn’t make you a thought leader. You can come and build a great LinkedIn profile and yet, I don’t know enough about you until I started interacting with you. What we do is we start getting people to interact. That’s when you show your true colors. By your actions, you start to show your color. You start to show who you truly are.
Right from the beginning, say, we welcome you. We invite you for the first time, great. The second time, you’re welcome. Like, I invite you to my house for dinner. The first time, I say, “Oma, come. You and Eric should come. Come and be a part of our family.” Let’s have you over for dinner. Second, I invite you and you come over. Now the third time, you should probably bring a hot dish, some wine or you should contribute. That’s what we set the expectations up as If you’re willing to come into this network. You can’t show up for the meal. You have to bring something and that is you have to give something. What is your give?
Early on, we see people who give and what they’re trying to do is take. We look for those people over time who are showing up with a big catcher’s mitt, hoping I’m going to get more business. If that’s all you think this is then this isn’t the right thing. We’re about education, motivation and inspiration. We come together and we share and we cheer. We might even monetize but monetization comes through that interaction through the sharing, the cheering and the caring of each other is individual and how we can help each other. We’re there to help transform people’s businesses in their lives. That monetization, education, inspiration are important and a chance at monetization but you got to get engaged.
If you come to take, if you come to say, “Come buy my book. Come and sign up for my services,” rather than what are you going to give to everybody? What is y our gift, the big thing that you can do? You’re in the wrong place, by setting expectations or what we would call conditions of satisfaction. That’s what most people need to do in business. We will set mutual conditions of satisfaction. We’re not buying a pair of sneakers or dry cleaner, consulting services or a major billion-dollar company. It’s about setting conditions of satisfaction. When we’re going to get paid, what’s the quality of the product and so on.
We’re doing this same thing in the network like, “You come to play but you violate conditions and satisfaction, I’m going to call you on it.” I’m going to pick up the phone and we’re going to have a discussion and say maybe this isn’t for you. You have to do that as well but usually, if you’re very clear about your conditions of satisfaction, people won’t come back and that’s okay too. It means, after the 1st or 2nd time you come over for dinner, you won’t be asking for another invitation.
I would hate to get that phone call. I prayed to God that I never will.
At least, you know where you stand and what it is. I think that the most important piece is to be clear and transparent. A lot of businesses and people aren’t transparent. You want to build a great team, be very transparent about what you expect. When people come to you and sometimes you have employees, one will come to you and start complaining about this one over here. This one will come and complain about this one over here rather than having two separate conversations. Great leaders will say, “I’m not having that conversation. I’m going to put you both in the room with me at the same time and we’re going to work this thing through. What’s your issue?” Pretty soon to the communication, you find out there’s no issue.
If I’d done this and triangulated against each other then that makes for bad relationships. The same thing holds true in being transparent with customers, with partners, with your audience is when you screw up you say it. When you’re doing great, you say it. When there are misunderstandings, we bring them forth. When we say, “This is what we’re going to do or where we want to go. Let’s make sure you’re clear and that you’re wanting to do the same thing. If not, that’s okay. Love you. I will miss you. I’ll support you. I’ll do everything in my power to help you but it’s not a real good fit.”

It’s the thing I see you through your role in a C-Suite. I see you outside having dinner and whatnot and less formal. What I love is that you are always Jeffrey. You are always the same person. Do you know in business, like you would meet somebody that is like a celebrity and they have the celebrity mask on then you meet them after like, “Who’s who?”
That’s their persona over there and there are personas over here. I don’t have enough time for that crap. I got to be me. It’s a lot simpler to do that. I find it interesting that people find that interesting. Why would it be different? I don’t understand why it would be different. I would want to know that you treat me the same in the boardroom as you do in the living room. To me, those should be the same and whether I’m talking to a CEO of a major company, I’m talking to the receptionist, the janitor or you name whoever it is in the operation. I would hope that I’m treating them the same wherever possible.
Now, I get a little tough with waiters, waitresses or something like that sometimes when they interrupt me or things like that. I’m known to be like, “What? Excuse me. I’m having a conversation here. You don’t butt into the conversation. You want to say this, say excuse me or wait for an opening and we’ll be glad to get right back to you.” The young kid who learned it out back that it’s okay to come and sit down on my bench. No, it’s not, young man. I didn’t invite you to come to sit down on my bench to get your points of flare. I’m a little stiffer about certain things like that but other than that. I’m the same way in business. There I am having dinner with somebody and if someone were to butt in the conversation, I would say, “So-and-so finish. We’re not done with that,” and so on. I am the same way.
There is a phenomenon that’s happening and I also see it through your network. It seems to me that you’re now opening the door more to, let’s say, the science of metaphysics, spirituality. Since it pivoted a little bit, obviously, now we’re more online and I see this huge expansion of your network. It’s happening big time. What inspires you? Was it something that came naturally when you saw it happening? That integration of the physic.
More people are ready for it than ever before. First of all, I think during COVID, everybody got in touch with what was more important and forgot about those things. You need all those pieces to be a whole, quite frankly. There are other things that are at play besides digital ads and conversion tables and so on. There’s a little bit more to that and more to life. We got more in touch with that. The other thing is, there are a lot of people were struggling and that helps a great number of people to slow down, have a little yoga, do a little stretching, get in touch with something bigger than yourself, whatever it is that you believe.
For me, it’s getting outside. I love being outside and in nature. I was talking to my wife. I said, “I wish I didn’t have to do all this stuff I have to do. I’d like to be on the tractor and mow,” because that makes me feel great or take a sling blade and cut grass. I’m a very simple guy that way and I enjoy that because it gets my mind going. I can think more. I can have a lot and it centers me. For a lot of people, I think we need to find those outlets. COVID, quite frankly, gave us the opportunity to open us up for that.
What do you say to those businesses who still are under that line, they’re crushed? What would be those action steps for them to get out of the route and to pivot their business? I know there are probably tons of advice but what would you say to that business owner, “It is time to do,” what?
Get your head in the game that way. Our job is not to be the smartest person in the room as a C-Suite leader. There’s no way because if I look around the room or look around the table, there are people who are smarter in many things than I am so I can’t be the smartest person on all things, ever. What’s my real job? My job is to be the most strategic. My job is to be aware of the things I’m not aware of. I constantly have to be in a state of awareness or unawareness, meaning I’m always got to be looking.
I’m a hunter. When I’m driving down the road, I’m looking for deer, for moose, for elk, for pheasants and I’m constantly looking like that or if I’m outside, I’m constantly looking and see things that other people might not see like that eagle feather in the middle of this dry brown grass, there’s eagle feather standing straight up that didn’t understand it or weren’t aware of looking at the time. You would’ve missed it.
If you want to build a great team, be very transparent about what you expect. Share on XThe same thing holds true for the things that we need to be looking for and either in our personal life or with our family, spiritually or with our friends and/or our business. Those are the four key areas though. The Trinity that I call it with the quad. To me, it’s around your family, business, friends and your spirit. I think those things are much like a four-way teeter-totter and you have to find that great balance between those four because when you have one that goes in one direction more than the other, it’s all centered. I try to find wherever possible how to be more centered about that and it’s not easy because if you’re a person like me, I’m business.
I have to learn when I’m all that, it’s very addictive and it’s bad behavior. It doesn’t balance me with the other things that should be important in my life whether going to church, being outside spiritually or with friends. It’s important for guys like me to have enough friends that can carry my casket when I’m gone and I don’t have to hire someone because that’s not fun.
I can’t believe you said that.
It’s true. Think about that. If you die tomorrow, who’s going to carry your casket? Do you have enough friends? Can they carry? If you’re a big guy like me, you’re going to need a lot of friends. You’re going to need more than the typical 4 to 6 pallbearers, but anyway, nonetheless.
I think you’re going to be here with us for a very long time. We’re not worried about that.
I want to. My grandmother died when she was 105 years old. I think I’ve got her genes.
You’re only getting started. That’s how I feel about you. It’s like, you got ready for something really big to happen. It’s happening in your reality. You are manifesting this reality. This is incredible.
We’re going to have a great year. It’s going to be a great year for us and a great year for the members who are part of us and all associated with the C-Suite Network. I’m excited about it.
The Hero Club, can you share a little bit about the difference? You are a conscious leader, that’s one thing because it’s like the new thing now. It’s like, everybody’s talking about like, “Let’s be conscious about that.” This is becoming a noise in my head.

Let’s be an unconscious leader.
It’s like, “What the hell? What the F?” Now, you shifted from bringing forth this dynamic around a hero. Can you share more? It must be a little different or a big one between that leader and then Hero. What’s going on with that?
I think all business leaders are conscious leaders. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be leading businesses of some kind but to be a hero leader, that’s a very unique club of people. These are people who truly put people above profits in a massive way, who stand on certain kinds of values. When you see a hero leader, we all know who they are in our community. They make sure that the symphony’s paid for. They make sure the little league has a thing. They take care of the environment. They make sure that the employees have time to go and participate in the walkathons and everything else that might be out there. They truly put values ahead of the way they operate.
As a result, we found out that these businesses gross more money than anyone else in their industry. They net more money than anyone in their industry. They have employees who are more engaged because typically, only 51% of 53% of employees are engaged at any given business. To get employees engaged, it’s all around how they’re treated, the values the company has and what they’re doing and the mission and vision that they’re on. We found out that, suppliers wanted to do business with them. More customers were much happier as well and everyone in the community revered them. That’s a hero leader. There are still good COs, wannabes, contemptible guys, bottom liners. There are all different kinds of companies that are out there but hero companies are led by a hero leader.
That’s not to say that a leader and a CEO of a company say, “I can’t wait to be a hero.” No one does that. What they do say is, “I want to run my business this way. As a result of running my business this way, I get everybody else to operate the same way. I get everybody else to buy in that we are something special. We’re something that we’re going to go do and live based on these things as a result.” I shouldn’t say we’re something special. Based on the fact that we were grounded in these values, we become something special because it’s much more unique to what everybody else is doing.
It is truly special. It’s because it’s this bridge if you will. It has this aspect of light around that. It’s like, you’re working with these people and I know them because of being part of the C-Suite and it’s a breath of fresh air. It’s amazing.
When you’re in our Hero Club and you’re surrounded by all these people, it’s so inspiring and motivating. You’re like, “This is too good to be true.” There’s one particular business in the Hero Club that was in our meeting. It’s like, “They’re a unicorn. They’re about to become a unicorn.” We know that. We see what they’re doing, how they’re doing it, the way they’re doing it. They’re saving people’s lives. We see other companies that are engineering companies. They’re a unicorn grossing hundreds of millions of dollars soon to be on the way to billions of dollars, certainly $1 billion.
We see these startups that are very much the same. What are the characteristics of that? One, they’re very rooted in value in terms of values that they stand for in terms of the company. They have a vision and mission but values are what drive everything. They’re also rooted in diversity and inclusion. Meaning, diversity of thought, of color, of sex, of education, of all kinds, age, everything.
Trying to find how we reflect and be a part of our community, the company and the community that we serve and they’re very diverse in that manner. They’re not narrow-minded in terms of how they do it, which is great. Third, they take sides. Meaning, they take stands on it. It might cost them money sometimes but because of it, they take stands and I’m not talking about, “They’re going to pull the game out of this state or that state.” I’m talking about how they act every single day.
As C-suite leaders, our job is not to be the smartest person in the room. Our real job is to be the most strategic. Share on XBy the way, it doesn’t have to be the way you like it either too. I give great examples in the book, The Hero Factor of people who I disagree with but I respect them because of 1) Their values and 2) They took a stand. You need to decide whether that stand, like let’s take Truett Cathy, who runs Chick-fil-A. They don’t open on Sunday. I would love them to open on Sunday but he says, “No, that’s the day of the Sabbath,” and his religious views. Everybody gets the day off. I guess if I want a good chicken sandwich, I need to go the day before or the day after. Now, not to mention there’s not one of my states so I can’t always get one.
When I’m in those states that have them, I like to get one but the other thing is, he took a stand and says he doesn’t believe in same-sex marriage. I disagree with that. I’ve got relatives who are a same-sex marriage that are my cousins, brothers, sisters and the others in my family. That’s not right but I have to decide that’s what he believes. Is that getting the way of me eating a good chicken sandwich? No. He is entitled to those opinions, beliefs and to that stand because that’s what our country says you can do. It doesn’t mean I like it but that’s not going to get in the way of me, having a good chicken sandwich.
Now, you have to decide if that does say no to you, “I can’t live with that value.” That’s a different thing but we need lots of different values in this country and lots of different opinions and then we all come to him in different ways. He isn’t enlightened enough yet. I’d much rather be working with them by eating the sandwiches and saying, “Despite that, I’m still coming there and I’m still going to talk to you about it. I still think we should have a discussion and that’s not right. By the way, I respect your right at least to have that opinion.” I think those become great businesses because of that.
I also feel the country of America, which I’m not from. I come from a socialist country. I came to America for freedom, diversity, being unique and different. That’s what I came for. I feel like, “This is becoming this place of tension and adversity.” I love what you shared because if we want that freedom back, I feel like leaders and heroes, that we must incorporate. Now is the time to do so. Unity, love, compassion, genuine and all this quality that you embody.
Thank you so much for sharing. One couple of more minutes here. The experience about the feather. That stood up to me because you know who I am. It’s like you are being guided along the way in your purpose. What is the most mystical experience you’ve ever had besides a feather? I see this picture of you and your horse and I think I’m going to put it in my room. It’s beautiful.
I have them every day. I believe there are bald eagles, golden eagles up and down the river. There are certain things that happened to you that you’re touched by those things. It happens every single day. It’s the standing out on the Prairie and some feeling overcomes you or you hear voices, you see things and then you look again, it’s not there but you know you saw it.
There are all those things that happen every single day, that pop into it. That meditation time that I take in the morning and you have this clarity of thought, of purpose and clarity of what the day’s going to unfold and be like. If you reaffirmed that with your language and your actions then it’s going to happen for sure.
I’ve had many times in my life, especially eagles. A lot of people call about spirit animal, spirit things that you have and mine is between the bison and the Eagle. There have always been good things in my life when I’ve been around both of those or I’ve been touched by them in some way, fashion or another. For some reason, I have an affinity where eagles show up out of nowhere and they buzz me. They fly over me, come near me and come close to me.
Are you kidding?

No, it happens all the time, especially in South Dakota. It happens quite often. All of a sudden, I’m about to conclude a big deal and four of them show up. Like, that’s a sign. To watch four eagles come together in the space of not more than 40 or 50 yards right here in front of me, that says something and they fly towards me and they cross. It’s amazing. Those are things that you have to open yourself up for that could happen and what does that mean. If nothing else, it was pretty cool. If it means nothing other than, it’s cool and that’s okay.
Besides being cool, I think that you are connected to those eagles. There are beings that communicate through God’s consciousness with those eagles. They come in in places in your life where you are right now, where this big deal is about to happen. It’s like, “We’re here. We are reminding you that everything is okay. You are at the right place, at the right time and it’s happening.” I am thrilled this is being unbelievable to have you here, your presence with us in the show for the world to capture your wisdom in that way. This is amazing. I am grateful for many things. For you, your leadership but mostly for you. Your presence in the world and this connection. Thank you so much, Jeffrey, for all that you shared.
Thank you, my friend.
You are a beautiful light warrior. Thank you so much. Bless you.
Incredible direct knowledge with Jeffrey Hayzlett who truly shared the importance of having a culture with a backbone of the spirit and the heart, having the transparency of who you are, your true self in your life and your business. It shared how in this world, we can see the shift of consciousness, how business leaders now must embody the heart space in their business instead of the headspace. It’s a combination and is sharing the values of family, how important it is to connect with those around you. Also, having fun in your business and truly embodies all of that mystical mavericks.
One of the things that are shared was as an entrepreneur, if you truly want success, you must take a good look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself the tough questions. Be real, be true to who you are and be willing to make those sacrifices and take those action steps towards your purpose. There we have it, my friends. We are amazingly and genuinely excited that we are sharing all of this incredible wisdom with you all over the world and that you are coming back with an open mind to be willing to go through your changes in your business and your life that we are here to guide you, to support you as a soul family.
We will see you in the next episode. You don’t want to miss our next show. It’s going to be a quantum-shifting experience. Thank you so much for being here and see you very soon. Send you blessings, love and divine light. Thank you so much for reading the show. Thank you for being here with Oma. A bientot.
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- C-Suite Network
- The Hero Factor: How Great Leaders Transform Organizations and Create Winning Culture
- Jeffrey Hayzlett
About Jeffrey Hayzlett