True wealth is found not in fortune, but in the present moment. Live mindfully, lead with love, and discover the profound impact of selfless giving. In this enlightening episode, our guest Thierry Ollivier, founder and CEO of Natierra, takes us on a heartfelt journey through his personal and professional life. He shares how his transitions reshaped his perspective on business, leadership, and the true essence of wealth. Thierry discusses the importance of reconnecting with your “why” in business and life, embracing the profound impact of selfless giving, and finding solace in the power of the present moment. Get ready for a soul-enriching conversation that transcends the boundaries of entrepreneurship and dives deep into the realms of purpose, compassion, and self-discovery. As he eloquently puts it, the past is behind you, the future is beyond your control, but the present is where true wealth lies. Tune in now and learn how to live a more fulfilled and purpose-driven life.
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From Success To Significance: How To Live In The Present And Find True Wealth With Thierry Ollivier
May all beings be at peace. May all beings be free. Shanti Om. Bonjour. I am beyond blessed for this episode because not only did our guests discover the keys to true happiness and success beyond transaction. I am very excited to introduce you to the CEO and Founder of Natierra, Mr. Thierry Ollivier. Here’s a little bit about Mr. Thierry Ollivier.
In 2002, Ollivier launched BrandStorm, Inc., pioneering the US superfood category, introducing sacred pink salt from the Himalayas and the goji berries that quickly evolved into household brands known around the world. As Ollivier’s search for superfoods not commonly known in the US took him around the world, he was drawn to the people, cultures, and practices of the countries he visited, guiding him on a journey of caring and nurturing these relationships.
These experiences set him on a path of ethical sourcing and caring for the soul, hence the business mission of BrandStorm selling “Superfoods with Soul”, which led to the creation of Natierra’s Feed a Soul Program. Welcome, Mr. Thierry Ollivier. How exciting I am and we are for you to share your wisdom, journey, and story with us, and a discovery of success through your entrepreneurship. How are you?
I’m great. Thank you very much for having me and for this great introduction. I’m very thrilled to be with you. It’s an honor to be with you.
Tell us a little bit about your background, where you come from, and perhaps how you grew up that brought you into your path of entrepreneurship.
I’m not from Paris, Texas but I’m from Paris, France. I was born and raised there. We have that in common among other things. We have a French accent. I’ve been in the United States for several years. I came to the US very early after a business school that I did in France. I discovered the United States which was unknown to me. I always loved the United States and had this American dream in mind. I was very fortunate to experience this American dream. I started in Los Angeles. I had no visa or immigration status. I was doing five jobs at a time. I sold cars and bus tables. You name it, I’ve done it all to make a living in Los Angeles.
It was pretty similar to what you’ve done. I know that you had a similar journey. That was my journey into Los Angeles early on. I was fortunate that some people helped me to get a foot in the door and that was through the food industry. From there, I experienced the American dream very early on. I was very young when I started my career. I traveled throughout the entire United States and learned a job and an industry. I’ve done that for five years. I grew with the company I was with. I then started my own. That’s when my other journey started.
Starting your business is a whole different story than working for someone else. I did that because I felt it and I wanted to grow out of where I was before. I started my business. I had no idea what I was doing. Raising capital and everything was not something I could think of. I started with my credit cards. Everything I was buying had to be bought for the next purchase. We’re in a small office. We were picking up doors on the sidewalks so that could become a desk. That’s how we started. I didn’t start in the garage but not far away from that. That’s how I started Natierra.
I looked for products that were very unique and different. I started traveling and browsing products. I found the Himalayan pink salt at the time. The Himalayan theme appealed to American consumers. They liked it. I looked for other products on the same theme. This is what I did. I discovered the goji berries. Before we knew it, goji berries were a big hit. We co-pioneered with other brands in the superfood category. The definition of superfood, so everybody knows what that means, is it is nutrient density. Any product that is dense in nutrients is a superfood technically.
The category did not exist at the time so we co-pioneered with people from the SIE world, the goji berries, and other entire oxidant and strong superfood products. I continued to travel throughout the world. I must say that’s the best job because it took me to many places, Tibet, the Amazon Rainforest, and everywhere. My goal was to bring unique and innovative products to the US market. There’s a wealth of products that you can find, whether it’s in the Himalayas or the rainforest that are unknown to us Americans or Europeans for that matter.
You’re dealing with communities on-site with farmers. You meet them. There’s their products and the things they grow, that they care for and love. You have a duty to share that passion with the rest of the world. You also sell a product that is very different and unique, which brings something different to your body and health because it’s a very healthy product. In a nutshell, that’s how I started the business. It took me to travel throughout the world and meet tons of farmers and communities that are working very carefully with our product, trying to grow it and put so much love into it. That’s how we started Natierra and it took us to the journey.
Natierra, the brand itself, did you discover that name? How did you manage to come up with Natierra? It’s very catchy and beautiful. To be quite honest, I am one of your big customers and I have it right here. My kids and I are obsessed with this plant-based incredible phenomenon snack that we sure need in the West. This one is the organic strawberries and Natierra Superfoods With Soul. Now you understand why Thierry is in the show. That is very powerful. How did you come up with the brand?
We were looking for a name that would express what we care for, which is nature and earth. Tierra in Spanish is the land. The goal was to create nature and earth combined in one product. That’s how we came up with Natierra. We have owned this trademark for many years. You’re talking about Superfood With Soul. It’s something that makes a difference about our company and team members. It’s not so much what you do. It’s why you do it. Our why is our soul in our business with our team members and company. There are a lot of people who are doing fantastic business that buy a product from point A and bring it to point B and sell it.
The most important thing is why you’re doing it or the why beyond your product. It’s something very important and beyond the brand. For a lot of businesses, it’s sad but true. The word love is not used that often. Love is all over our office and journey. We use the word love all the time. All our team members and we have a soul. That’s why they work for the company and the brand and what they do. Superfood With Soul is almost like Superfood With Love because what we do in every aspect of our business is about love.
From Success to Consciousness: The Keys to Live Here & Now Attracting True Wealth With Thierry Ollivier Share on XI’m part of a movement called Conscious Capitalism, where we have respect for all the stakeholders throughout our journey in business. We treat equally all our stakeholders. Whether you are a stakeholder, a customer, a team member, or a supplier, we want to treat everybody equally out of respect. At the end of the day, we’re all equal human beings no matter what we do in the world. As such, we need to have mutual respect for all of them.
One is not better than the other. We need to respect people equally. I often say that our team members are the key element of our business because, without them, we would not be where we are. The product would not be sold. We would not be able to provide an incredible and healthy product to our consumers. Our stakeholders would not get all of this. It’s a circle where everybody brings something. It’s a win-win where everybody is contributing. This is why we treat equally all our stakeholders. Stakeholders are our business model.
We try to lead with love. In all the decisions we make in the business, that’s something that we are passionate about. Often, when I’m trying to fix a problem or see with individuals whatever stakeholders they are, I always think, “What decision would I make if it was for my family, my son, or my wife?” At the end of the day, all the stakeholders, whether they’re customers, team members, or suppliers, all have families and kids. As such, we need to respect each other. It doesn’t matter who you are in the society and what you do for the society. We’re all human beings.

I’m not sure what to add or say at this point. I’m hoping and trusting that if you are reading, you are going to be injected with this truth in leadership, wisdom, culture, and compassion. The key that he revealed very beautifully is honesty. It’s the key to success in building a culture around love, equanimity, compassion, gratitude, and heart-based conscious capitalism. I hope it affects you directly in your heart and that you also choose to lead with mutual respect that everyone you work with as if when you make a decision, it is for your family.
He revealed that was the key to his success, which I believe is the key to success. This truth and wisdom leads, in my belief, to enlightenment itself. You can share more about how you transition, raise your consciousness in business, and overcome. You also either had to overcome or try to overcome a dark place in your life where maybe you are in a challenge. I’m saying that perhaps he would be able to share some of his challenges, how he overcame dark places, and that he found a light. He transcended it in his battle and mind. This perhaps was even a blessing. You know how most people would say, “This is happening to me.”
Somehow you find the light, strength, and spirit to turn your mind into your heart. You knew that things were happening not to you but for you. Perhaps you can share if you like. You don’t have to share any names or details of it but just so that we can understand how it’s possible that a human being, a business owner, and a CEO of a business can transcend such a dark place suffering into helping others and find liberation in your words and time. Maybe in silence yourself, I’m not sure. If you don’t want to share, it’s okay too. However, there are so many people who are suffering in the world and trying to make it into a business, a career, or fulfill their purpose. They’re simply stuck and paralyzed with fear.
In my experience, I went through a personal tragedy. Several years ago, we lost our youngest daughter at two and a half years old. That had a huge impact on my personal life and also on the business. If the leadership is not well, the business is also having difficulties. I’m putting that on the table because this is a big element of my life. That confirmed me and made me switch my thinking. At the time, we were working on a project where we were going to feed children using our business. We were going to feed the children in Heidi. I discovered that some kids were eating dirt there. I wanted to switch and say, “We need to help.” We were putting that program together.
Two days before we launched our program, our daughter passed away. That only confirmed that I was on the right path. That was the thing that, strangely, I was going to take care of kids. At the same time, my daughter passed away. That allowed me to think that I was doing the right thing. That gave me the strength to continue and move forward. Through that, we were able to provide millions to children. Thanks to our business and the initiative we started.
This is an important element of the beginning of my journey towards enlightenment. You’re faced with your personal situation and then the business. You go through phases. Sometimes the business is doing well and sometimes it won’t. We all went through the COVID time when we were all afraid and concerned about losing our business and so forth. We had people sick and die. It was very complicated.
In 2021, the cost increases of so many things. Your margin goes down. You’re stuck into this thing where it’s an endless circle. You feel that it continues to eat you alive because this is your business and you care for it. You care for your team members, your family, and yourself. You then start worrying. This worry eats you alive. You think about all those things. “What about if? What if COVID is the end of the world? What if you’re going to get sick? What about if you’re a loved one, your family, or your team members are going to get sick?” All of this is putting a lot of stress.
You’re working in a fear environment. This fear environment is very stressful for entrepreneurs and leaders in this world. At some point, I thought and realized the importance of living in the present. Given my past experience with my family and the tragedy we went through, I had a tendency to look at the past a lot and spend a lot of time in the past. Also, worrying about the future. What do the future is going to entail? What are the risks? What are the fear factors that could happen in the future?
You’re stuck between living in the past for some reason, whether it’s good or bad. The fact you spent too much time on the past, there’s nothing you can do about the past anymore. I don’t want to paraphrase people that I love who taught me all of this but the past is the past. It’s behind you. There’s nothing you can do about it. You cannot change it. You don’t have any control over the future. You don’t need to worry about it. You can but it’s not going to help you to worry about it. The only thing you can think about is the present and live in the present.
The past is the past. It's behind you. There's nothing you can do about it. Share on XMy example is, for instance, I know that if I worry too much about the future, I’m not going to spend enough time caring about my family and children. I still have two boys that I love and adore. I need to spend more time with my family. Me, worrying about the future and then being drained by the possible outcome of the future, which I don’t have control over, is spoiling my presence. I made the decision not that long ago for that matter to live the present and let the future happen and become the present when the time comes.
I often say to my team members or whoever wants to hear it, “Let’s wait to have the problem to fix it. Let’s not try to fix the problem before you have the problem.” It’s true that it could be very anxious to think about the future and the things that could happen. AI technology could be as exciting as very scary for some people. We don’t know what the outcome is going to be. Nobody knows. Maybe AI knows but we don’t. I feel that we need to use it to the best of our ability, enjoy it as much as we can, and then see what the future will entail. We cannot plan the future anyhow so we need to focus on what we have now.
Let’s go back to the enlightenment and impact of my life. I don’t want to show up like it’s been like this forever but I realized that I’m happier thinking about the present and not so much about the future. I’ve worked on myself to try not to worry. I know it’s difficult. I’m someone who’s very anxious. That’s who I am but I’m trying to take some distance with the problem. The truth is we are human beings. The wealth should not be just money. The wealth should be our internal piece, who we are, who we care, what we do, and who we love.
We are human beings and wealth should not be just money, it should be our internal peace and who we are, who we care about, what we do, and who we love. Share on XI feel we should spend a lot of time on this and try to keep our worries aside. The only thing it does is spoil your present. You’ll deal with it tomorrow. If there’s a problem coming, it will be there but you won’t be able to fix it now anyhow. You might as well spend the time you have in the present and enjoy it. You’ll never know what can happen tomorrow. It could be another COVID, the end of the world, or a nuclear war. We don’t have control over it. It changed my life. Even my family says, “What happened? You’re more present.”
God forbid, I have tons of problems. It’s not that suddenly, I don’t have any problems anymore. It’s just that I put them aside and try to enjoy the present time. It’s doing things mindfully. It’s something hard. In meditation, you’re doing nothing and the goal is to do nothing. Doing things mindfully is almost as difficult. If you brush your teeth mindfully, that means you’re going to spend a lot of time putting the toothpaste on your brush and then you’re going to try to enjoy brushing your teeth. That alone is hard work to do, as simple as it could be.
The reason I’m saying this is because it’s the same thing with loving people and your loved one, your family. When you say to your wife, your husband, or your partner that you love him or her, you need to mean it. You need to be present and be here. You have to think about it and not think like, “I have a problem in the past. I’m saying I love you but I don’t spend enough time thinking about it.” It’s almost like enjoying the present time and being present in the life that you live. This is a long response to my experience.
It is not long. It’s music to the soul. What you shared was pure silence because it never came from your mind like what you shared. It was pure divine silence. What you shared is beyond any mind, intellect, and words. What you did and conducted here was the association with truth. Almost in your life, I see that you have invoked the guru within, the Buddha consciousness. That is very acceptable to speak. I believe this is enlightenment, which is a word that can be enlightenment. It can be God, pure happiness, Atman, or Ananda.
Not Samadhi because Samadhi is a state of consciousness. That ends and begins being entrenched in Samadhi. Enlightenment is permanent because it is what you are right here, right now, which is your pure being. All the conditions were removed by your grace and self. What you shared is a show on its own. Very few people will be able to understand because this is not the wisdom you shared and also, not understand the wisdom in mind.
If you’re reading this, I will go back and read this again quietly like you are being fed by the divine mother. This is what I want you to do when you read this. This is transmission to raise your consciousness and it will tap into yourself. This is enlightenment. It doesn’t mean that you don’t have problems in your life or anyone else has a problem or no problem. It doesn’t affect the self or the nature of what you are, which is blessed self, divinity, and holiness. In my humble opinion, this is the key to real success.
What you shared is premium and purpose that if we understand this correctly, anybody who comes in business and does business transactional must be involved in the heart space and then continue the sacred journey of happiness in their existence. To understand this is not possible. You must experience things first. Perhaps even read books and practice, perhaps the practice of meditation, which is not a practice but whatever you practice will lead you one day. As Thierry said, “Do nothing. Accept it as it is. Be as you are. All are always blessed. All is always here and now. It is what you are.”
Whatever you choose to do, whether it is book reading, yoga practices, this, or the other, you will realize at one time, maybe not this life but you will ascend to realize that the teachings are not even true. You must continue to investigate and realize what you are. Ask, “What am I? Who am I?” Thierry very well affirmed that this is how he found his peace. Talking about meditation, have you heard of BrainTap technology?
Yes. That’s very interesting. It’s almost like the workout of the brain. I like that.
It’s so cool that you mentioned the workout of the brain. The BrainTap technology, I have it right here. It’s a headset that comes in the app. It is global. Dr. Patrick Porter who’s also a dear friend of mine is also the sponsor of the show. It’s such a great combination. As an entrepreneur, athlete, creator, or artist, it doesn’t matter what you do.
If you have something that you want to create like building a business, achieving a certain status, or even as an athlete because he works with top athletes in the world, you could potentially use BrainTap to enlighten the brain cells so your brain is more active and perfectly tuned in like nature itself to perform your task. BrainTap is a technology that will lead you to that, which is the focus and internal attention. The brain and heart show a link between the brain and the heart.
If you want to know more about BrainTap, they do have a time that is free where you can test it for yourself. You can go to but also go to my link as well. If you decide to do that, it’s good for you and share it with others or connect with us as well. It’s something that would profoundly help you to stay in tune and unlock your brain potential. Meditation is a device and also a science. A point will come that you’ll discover that by yourself.
The thing is you need to pause. It’s hard when you are an entrepreneur, leading a company, team members, and everything. You need to be able to pause and be present. It’s the most important thing. It’s hard to disconnect the future from the present and to be just in the present, live with it, and let it sit. The truth is you need to remind yourself that you’re doing everything you can. You’re the best at what you do and you’re doing everything you can to make it work. Under this assumption, you’ve done everything you can for the future. If you’ve done everything you think is best, the future will still be the same. Doing the best while you’re present is the most important thing.
The most important thing as an entrepreneur is really being present. Share on XKnowing what you know and knowing this truth, peace, and happiness when you’re going to win, how does this channel into everything you do? Even the relationship around you and the people around you. How did it translate into the leadership in your business and the culture? Does that change a little bit? Is this a different vibe that you have found peace, awareness, and intuition?
This is very personal but I feel a lot stronger because I don’t have the burden of the future anymore. It’s like, “There’s the future. We don’t control it. We don’t know what’s going to be.” We can make tons of scenarios like different ABCD but we don’t have control over it. We know that tomorrow we can cross the street and then it’s going to be a whole different future than the one you think.
As such, you need to be present right here, right now. What you think about the future could be 100 times different for a bunch of other reasons that you don’t have control over. The thing that you have control over is yourself and making sure that when you arrive in the future, you’ve done everything the best you can to be prepared for the future. Be present and do things now.
The fact that we are human beings, at the end of the day, people tell or expect us to make X amount of money, wealth, or things. At the end of the day, this is an influence or a perception that people have. The real truth is, as human beings, where do we want to be? Where would be our success? As a matter of fact, I was thinking about it talking with friends. The most important thing is what we want to be remembered for in the future. Is it because we work more or a lot?
Fulfillment is what we achieve. The people, whether family or friends that we spend together, is the wealth. Money should not be just the driver. I love money so it’s not the topic. I’m not planning on not making money. When a problem can be fixed with money, it’s not a problem. The real problems are the problems that you cannot fix with money. This is personal.

It’s not just personal. This is the truth coming out of this enlightened being itself. This is the truth about what you speak about. You must speak it. No doubt. Even write a book about it. You know what I’m talking about. Everyone in entrepreneurship has this goal. You self-actualize yourself that perhaps there is also a purpose within the purpose.
A lot of times, we get stuck in the goal and intention. It’s very good. You have to get those goals going, set intentions, and clear expectations but it’s important not to get stuck because perhaps the universe, creator, God, or mother nature, whatever you want to call it, has a different purpose for you. When we get stuck, we get blind.
At my age, it’s probably half of my time on earth or in the business world. I’ve spent the first half of my life probably a lot more selfish. I maybe should have done or done differently. I’m not going to rewrite the past. The past is what it is. I was driven by things like personal growth, family growth, and business growth, you name it. I’ve learned a lot of things over the first half of my life.
It is almost time for me to spend the second half of my life helping others and using what I’ve learned for a better cause. It’s not necessarily financial retribution, rewards, or anything, which I’ve done okay so far. Being fulfilled by purpose for the second half of my life is probably something I want to do. I’m still searching for it. I have some directions which I would go towards. Thinking that I can change the lives of others with what I’ve learned in the first half of my life would be very rewarding and fulfilling.
I’m not saying that money is not involved. It’s not about money. It’s about what we achieve. We have a family foundation after our daughter passed away. We’ve done a lot of things working with children throughout the world. I’ve already experienced the huge reward that we get when we give. When you give to people, you’re receiving so much more than you give. That’s a very fulfilling and comforting zone where each time you give, you receive.

It’s almost to the point that giving becomes very selfish. Ultimately, you receive so much in exchange that it’s overwhelming. It’s almost like dopamine when you do some sports or workouts. You continue doing it because you have this dopamine that is created in your body. It’s the same thing with giving and serving others or helping others. You’re receiving so much while you do that that it becomes almost a drug that fills you with joy and you can do more.
The next chapter of my life whether I continue what I do business-wise or not is going to be ready to help and be of assistance to others for them to be fulfilled, be helped, and maybe increase their life or help their conditions about being human beings. It’s still in the works. It’s still in my mind. I’m still thinking about it. I’m trying to get advice from the right people to do that. Some people are pushing me or putting seeds in my brain for that.
I wonder who’s that.
I won’t give out names. This is something. It’s through my experience or what I’ve experienced in business or life. Sadly, I’ve experienced a lot of things in life that made me a better person, regardless of the challenges that we went through. If I can help other or show the light to people that needs to see the light, I’ll be happy to contribute. I’m not a priest or any of that. I don’t have this talent or know this commitment.
However, if I can, through my journey, impact or change a little bit the lives of others in a positive way, I’d be happy to do that. The next chapter of my life is going to be to experience and continue to experience what I have learned about wisdom and enlightenment and see how far I can take it. If I can contribute to others positively, I’d be happy to do that.
It seems like you are doing it right here, right now. You are already doing it. You don’t even realize you’re doing it. Therefore, this is what you do. You’re showing up in your light. The potential of speaking around the world and sharing your message is very present. It will be very fulfilling for you. Most importantly, this light that you will be able to pay forward, pay it forward. It’s very important for you and others. There are so many that can be blessed with your story, wisdom, and light. There is no reason why this shouldn’t happen. It has to happen. We are declaring this on the show. We’ll make sure of it.
Remember, it’s already done. If you’re reading this, you are also not the doer. If you think you’re in control of your life, think again. In fact, don’t think. When you don’t think, you realize that you are not the doer. It is something else that makes you do things. It is this higher pure consciousness that you already are. I have no words because this thing that we did, this conversation, connection, sharing, love, and blessing is like a devotion itself. This makes me very fulfilled because you talk about the why.
Create a product, a business, and even a relationship with God. Even that, go back to the why. Don’t worry about the how-to. It is the why that will be anchoring into the crispiness of the reason you’re doing something. If you’re lost in your business or your path, go into your why. Even in your spiritual path, go to why. He said very well many times, “Why are you doing something?” It is where to go.
He also mentioned and shared leading with love. As far as a decision goes, make a decision as if it were for your family because there are no strangers in the world. You make decisions like it was for your flesh and blood. You’ll see how prosperous, fulfilled, and committed you will be to other people in your life and business. When you give, you receive more than what you give.
Wealth is not money. The true wealth is this gift, the surrendering ego. It’s very much common sense. We already all know this. We might have got lost along the way. What caught my attention was when you talked about, “I am not a priest or a teacher.” I’m saying, “Thank God you are not a teacher or a priest because the priest, teachers, and butchers will not lead you to the truth. Only the direct knowledge that you share cuts ignorance.”
This is what this show is all about and you raised the bar for everyone else that will come through. I created this to make sure that we channel this truth and go straight into the heart of it. Most likely to help and inspire those who are also devoted to something else higher than themself. They want to better the world. Where can we find you? How can we help and support your cause? Can you share that with us?
The company Natierra. is our website where you can have incredible products, snacks, fruits, veggies, and organic snacks that Juju’s promoting. Each bag that you buy would provide a meal to a child in need throughout the world. We have taken this program and put it into a foundation called Tierra’s Angels, You’ll be able to see our story in the work we try to do, whether it’s in Haiti. We do some work in Peru as well where we help families get free care so they can go, see a doctor, and get the medical needs they have.
Finally, we also do some work here in Watts, Los Angeles where we try to do some gang prevention and help to take the kids out of the gangs which is a real problem here in the US, particularly here in Los Angeles. Those guys are ten minutes away from my house. People forget that poverty and people in need could be also very close to your house. That’s what we try to do here.
We can go to, the website. It’s directed to donate or buy a product.
If you buy a product, the donation will be made automatically. Our company is giving back to the foundation. Our foundation is You can go online and check it out. There, you can make donations for any of the programs we have, whether it’s in Haiti, Peru, or Los Angeles. Everything is explained on the website.
If people feel that they want to serve in certain ways, can this serve you as well?
Yes, we do that. Mainly locally, for Christmas, we do a toy drive and go give out toys. We always need volunteers to do that. We do the same thing at Thanksgiving where we provide turkeys and food for families. We’re very busy during Thanksgiving. We prepare food and bring it to them. It’s a very emotional time for all our angels that come and help us. This is very fulfilling because you’re receiving so much while you’re giving out goods to people who need your help. If we can put a little bit of light and a smile on their face during those times, it’s an incredible experience.

Thierry Ollivier. You’ve heard the man and the spirit. You heard from the inner guru itself, speaking its truth and his wisdom to you. We’re very proud of that. We are going to resolve this episode, even though I don’t want to but I’m going to try my best to say our little goodbye not for too long. For those who are reading, please feel free to catch up with us on the Facebook community. Simply go on Facebook and type Mystical Mavericks for the group. Come into the family. We’ll share more wisdom. We will be happy to meet, connect, and know you.
We have an Instagram that is @JujuMystical. We have this show, which I suggest that you tap into. That will potentially unlock you and free you from your doubts and fears so you can excel and elevate your body, mind, and soul. Thierry, thank you because your persona is beyond the person. It is your light. Your words are pure food to an actor and the soul.
Selfishly, this is why I’m trying to hang in a little bit more. It nourished me and others. You are going to continue to nourish many souls that will be coming to you for this light, wisdom, words, compassion, and direct knowledge, heart to heart. I wanted to thank you for this blessing and your hour, perhaps a little over. I send you my love.
Me too. Thanks to all the audience. Thank you, Juju.
I will see you very soon.
Important Links
- Natierra
- Conscious Capitalism
- BrainTap
- Mystical Mavericks – Facebook Group
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About Thierry Ollivier
Born and raised in Paris, France, Thierry Ollivier moved to LA in 1995 to pursue a career in the Food importing business. Bringing unique and innovative products to the U.S. was thrilling for Ollivier, who always had a spark to seek out the unknown.
In 2002, Ollivier launched BrandStorm, Inc., pioneering the U.S superfood category by introducing sacred pink salt from the foothills of the Himalayas and Organic goji berries that quickly evolved into beloved household brands known around the world.
As Ollivier’s search for superfoods not commonly known in the US took him around the world, he was drawn to the people, cultures and practices of the countries he visited, guiding him on a journey of caring and nurturing these relationships. These experiences set him on a path of ethical sourcing and caring for the soul, hence
the business mission of BrandStorm/Natierra, selling “Superfoods with Soul”, and the creation of Natierra’s Feed a Soul Project.
Since its inception in 2017, more than 4 million meals have been provided to date to children in need through the “Buy One Bag, Feed one Child” program.