

You are invited to investigate and discover with us new realms of possibilities to design and innovate in a world of infinite opportunities through divine order and for the highest good. If you’re looking for a heart family, conscious community that will accept and embrace you, quirks and all, then this is definitely the home for you! Our time is here and now! We have volunteered to bring forth wisdom to the new world, a mystical era that allows us to liberate our true unique Self and to be the creators of a supreme reality, igniting ‘heaven on Earth’, guiding others towards Self-Mastery!

Bonjour and welcome to Mystical Mavericks!


Mystical Marvericks v1


Entrepreneurship: Discovering A Life Worth Living With Jeff Hoffman

By Podetize | July 1, 2022

Many of us take the path of entrepreneurship with the goal of becoming rich and successful. However, this episode’s guest is not like many of us. Jeff Hoffman did not set out to be an entrepreneur. He simply set out to live a life that, for him, would be worth living. Years later, he finds himself […]