You're Registered And Ready To Go!
IMPORTANT! In a few minutes you’ll receive an email. It’s Juju, your host for this event.
My email looks like this:

Why you should show up 5 minutes early
Juju will be using Webinar Jam for this training, and there is a limit of 1,000 people that are allowed to show up live. Once it reaches 1,000, it locks out anyone else that tries to come on. It’s common for us to have over 5,000 registered for a webinar…
Your best bet is to arrive five minutes early to make sure you get on the call.
There are also some things included live that are not always on the replay – so best attend LIVE to fully enjoy this amazing LIVE web event.
Use a Desktop / Laptop.
A computer will give you a much better experience than a phone will.
There are lots of slides and graphics that you will be able to see much better on a larger screen.